Kinetic source professionals locally and internationally with extensive industry expertise for leading FMCG & Retail organisations across the Middle East & Africa.
Personal Care
Household Care
Perfume & Cosmetics
Baby Care
Food & Beverages
Consumer Electronics
Luxury Goods
Apparel & Footwear
Pet Care

Some common mandates we work on include:

◆ Brand Manager
◆ Trade Activation Manager
◆ Sales and Marketing Manager
◆ Digital Marketing E-Commerce
◆ Store Manager
◆ Business Development Manager
◆ Head of Expansion
◆ Finance Manager
◆ Buyer
◆ Supply Chain Co-Ordinator/Specialist
◆ Procurement Specialist
◆ Sales/Business Development Manager
◆ Export Manager
◆ Project Manager
◆ Product Manager
◆ Graphic Designer
◆ Category Manager

Hiring for your business?

Trusted By Industry Leaders